
Thursday, June 30, 2011


so i'm 95% done with all the paperwork and errand running i need to do for this leg of the south korea preparation.

the apostille process is kind of ridiculous. well, not really. but i find it ridiculous because obtaining an apostille on copies of my college diploma can only be done in the state it was issued, and in order to do that, i also need it to be notarized, which can only be done by the issuing authority of the diploma. basically, this all means i needed to take a trip up to norman and okc. apparently it is possible to do it all by mail (including something about arranging a messenger to transport the diploma copies from norman to the capitol building?), but that just sounded like it would a) take weeks and b) probably somehow go wrong. it just made the most sense for me to drive six hours and get it all accomplished in the span of two or three hours. plus emma just got back from france and i needed to see my seester.

so yesterday, with a jet-lagged emma in tow, we went by the university and the capitol building and got it all done! it ended up being really quick and simple (apart from getting lost around the okc capitol building because we didn't know where to park or where to go). the only thing that really sucked is oklahoma charges $25/apostilled document, whereas in most states, it's under $10/document. (WHAT'S UP, OKLAHOMA?!) lame.

then i made a copy of my passport (which came last week! only took two weeks!), made back-up copies of some forms (aclipse needs the originals), printed off a copy of my resume, and picked up a couple official copies of my transcript. all i have left is to get six more passport sized photos made and then i'm good to ship off my little packet to the aclipse office. now i have to wait on my fbi criminal background check to come though, then the next step will be all visa-related stuff, which is then followed by booking a flight! awesome/terrifying!

it's all moving along rather quickly. pretty soon i'll be counting the days until i board a plane.

i keep getting "i can't believe you're moving to south korea!" from my friends. (though said in a supportive way, of course.)

frankly, i can't either. but that's okay.

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