
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

my christmas in korea.

being away from family on christmas is never ideal, but at least it wasn't a new thing for me. who remembers christmas 2009? yeah, that was an awesome time for everyone... (and yes, i know i had it easy that year since i was just alone for the holidays and not having to push my car out of any snowy oklahoma ditches. but it still blew.)

so even though i wasn't with family this christmas, i still had a pretty damn great christmas.

presents! sent back to family rather late... they should be arriving in about a week? sorry i'm the worst at sending things in a timely manner. and i hope you like random stuff...

snow! during break time last friday, one of my students came flying through my classroom door yelling, "TEEAAACHAAAAAA! SNOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!" so i joined the masses running to windows and snapped this.

the walk home from work. so pretty! perfect timing for a white christmas. :)

skypin' with my dog on (my) christmas eve.

my dog rules.

christmas dinner at an expat bar in my neighborhood. ham, veggies, pasta salad, mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, soup, wine... it was pretty fantastic.

and dessert! apple pie and strawberries with chocolate. and a glass of hot apple cider.

of course, there was a white elephant/yankee swap gift exchange. i didn't have time to get a gift, so i just sat back and watched. it was pretty universally agreed that the above gift, which jen was able to steal, was the best. like, ever. so amazing. the note says, "dear person, this image, entitled "the meaning of christmas," is an original piece by an artist who may one day be famous. if placed on ebay, it is guaranteed to sell for at least one million usd. regards, secret santa"

some of my fellow teachers: brigid, jen, heather, and jim, with their gift swap winnings.

but the best part of my christmas? PUPPIES.

seriously -- look at that face and try to be sad. it's not possible.

obviously, the focal point of the evening quickly became the puppy... especially for kara, heather, angus, and i.

and here he is, sleeping on my arm. because we are now best friends.

and then the next evening's christmas festivities? ANOTHER PUPPY! IT WAS TRULY A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE! puppies make everything better.

so this christmas was all about snow, friends, lots of good food, wine, laughter, and puppies. while i miss my family and my own puppy dog, i'd say it was a success.

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